FHS Athletic Training Concussion Protocol

 Concussion Protocol:

 When a player shows any symptoms or signs of a concussion, the following should be applied:

  1.  The player should not be allowed to return to play in the current game or practice.

  2. The player should not be left alone, and regular monitoring for deterioration is essential over the initial few hours after injury.

  3. The player should be medically evaluated after the injury.

  4. Return to play must follow a medically supervised stepwise process.


Baseline Testing:

  1. ImPACT Testing at the beginning of the school year before the first day of practice.
  2. Schedule a time for students to come in and take the test.

  3. When a concussion is suspected, the test will be retaken until the athlete reaches the baseline that is obtained at the beginning of the year.


Evaluation Process:

  1. On Field Evaluation:
    1. Loss of consciousness?

    2. Symptom evaluation (follow Pocket SCAT 2)

      1. Balance

    3. 12 cranial nerve assessment

    4. Retrograde and anterograde memory assessment

  2. Recheck athlete every 5-10 minutes for improvement/deterioration.

  3. Talk to parent following the practice/game and give handout “Heads up Schools: A Fact Sheet for Parents” on explanation of plan.

  4. Recheck athlete every day during recovery period for update on symptoms.


Return to Play Protocol:

  1. Each step in the protocol requires 24 hours of being symptom free. If the athlete has any symptoms within the 24 hour period, they are to return to the previous step in the process once they are symptom free again.  Step 2 in the process is not to be reached until the athlete has scored at or above the baseline score of the ImPACT test that is obtained at the beginning of the year. Along with full academic involvement.
    1. No activity. Physical and mental rest.

    2. Light aerobic exercise (walking, stationary cycling)

    3. Sport specific exercise (progressive resistance training added at this time)

    4. Non-contact training drills (practice)

    5. Full contact training drills after medical clearance (practice)

    6. Game play